Today, an estimated 57 percent of U.S. women are in the workforce, up from 32 percent in 1948 according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis.
To identify locales where women have become most successful, SmartAsset® focused on the following factors among women in the workforce:
- Percent of women with bachelor’s degrees (aged above 25)
- Median earnings of full-time working women
- Percent of businesses owned by women (percent of self-employed working in their own incorporated business)
- Women’s unemployment rate (aged 25-64)
- Average housing cost as a percent of a full-time working woman’s income (median annual housing costs divided by median earnings)
- Percent of women with high incomes (full-time employed making $75,000 and up)
SmartAsset’s findings were geographically diverse, but with some clumping in and around the nation’s capital (with Washington, D.C. Alexandria and Arlington all in the top-10). Areas in the top-25 ranged from Anchorage, Alaska to Atlanta, Georgia, and from Scottsdale, Arizona to Jersey City, New Jersey. The top-10 are included in the following table.
To read the entire smartasset study and findings and examine the full list of the tiop-25 ranked cities click
As a father of two daughters, it is good to see opportunities and success stories for Women in the workforce.